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欧洲獒友传捷报 龙城后代得冠军


Mr ZhangHuiBin

In last weekend we visit next dogshow and in this time our Shanxi perform very good. 

He win all male dog and was best Tibetan mastif male no1!!!! He take also his first JCAC ( junior certificate canditate of champion) If he take 3 JCAC he will be Junior Champion!

Best female Tibetan mastif was my Sakya. She take also JCAC and she was Best TM of the show!

I think this was very good advertising to you breeding base!!!





·联系电话:139 0351 2314     
·地   址:山西省太原市环城高速丈子头出口北5公里

版权所有: 山西火炬科技发展有限公司


