Tibetan Mastiff kennel ,dog


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A chinese breeder's experience in Russia

   My name is Zhanghuibin.I am a Chinese tibetan mastiff breeder Upon Slave¡¯s invitation,I brought one tibetan mastiff puppy to Saint Petersburg on March 5 ,2010 in order to attend the meeting of <The seminar and contest of tibetan mastiff which was hosted by him.   click>>>>

§£§ñ§é§Ö§ã§Ý§Ñ§Ó §¬§à§Þ§à§Ó   
 The dog which was robed by Slave is Dalong £¬he arrived Russian in  March 2010

The Statement about the Pedigree Certificate of Dalong in LongCheng Kennel

The dog is 1 year old . he stay in Russian  with Slave  now .
3 momths old, (the picture which was taken before he left China)


